Saturday, December 22, 2007

Hi. This post is from Bethany's mom.

Troy and I received one of our best Christmas presents on Friday.

We received Christmas cards from Manthania and Nicot in the mail!!!!!

There were new pictures of both of them and handprints and footprints.

It really touched our hearts. If we couldn't spend Christmas with them-the cards were GREAT!!

I realize that Manthania and Nicot didn't address the envelope and take the cards to the post office and they weren't even mailed from Haiti-BUT IT SURE FELT THAT WAY.

Thank you, thank you, thank you whoever had a hand in this!!!!

As Troy and I have been shopping for our other three children, I have to admit I have been a little sad thinking about the fact that I won't be able to spend the holiday with all of my children. I have been praying about it. I don't want to be even a little sad on Jesus' birthday. I want to be filled with the Joy and Hope that His birth brought to this world!!!

The cards from Manthania and Nicot are going to help me do that!

Thank you Lord for your birth and what it means in our lives. Thank you, also, for such thoughtful friends!!!

Love you all and Merry Christmas!!!!


Sarah and Tim said...

Merry Christmas! Our card from Isaiah brought about the same wonderful feeling of not being so far away!

Kristina said...

I loved mine too!!!!